The SDGs represent global consensus on what society needs to achieve by 2030 to create a sustainable future for all. They recognise that sustainable development is at the core of long-term value creation and there is the need for a significant re-think of the status quo.
The level of financing to make the SDGs a reality is not being reached. Another significant challenge is impact washing, i.e. impact-focused claims without truly having any measurable or proven positive social or environmental impact. Both of these issues are contrary to the global goals and the stated ambitions of many investors and enterprises.
So, how can investors and enterprises make genuine progress towards reaching the SDGs – at the scale that is required to achieve them by 2030? And which models have proven to be successful? On this topic, we warmly welcome:
- Belissa Rojas, Impact Measurement & Management Advisor, UNDP SDG Impact
- Priscilla Boiardi, Policy Analyst, Private Finance for Sustainable Development, OECD
Watch back this webinar about the developments by the OECD & UNDP that can provide investors and enterprises with the means to make the SDGs a reality in their organisation.
Read Efiko Academy’s manifesto here to see which SDGs we prioritise and how we plan to achieve these goals! We also wrote an article about the topic, stressing the importance of enterprises and investors contributing towards SDGs!